How Does Music Affect Intellectual Development And Mood?

How Does Music Affect Intellectual Development And Mood?

03 June

Recent research shows that playing a musical instrument can improve certain brain functions: memory, verbal intelligence, literacy, and sensitivity to sounds and speech.

  • Music helps the development of the logical and creative parts of the brain.
  • Playing musical instruments creates new neural connections in the brain and can positively affect IQ levels.
  • Creating music affects several systems in the body at once: visual, auditory, tactile, motor, emotional, and cognitive.

All of them must synchronize and work in absolute harmony with each other.

Therefore, music training facilitates high levels of cognitive function, including complex problem-solving and logical reasoning as well as conceptual tasks.

Music affects breathing, pulse rate, blood pressure, and energy. Music can reduce stress and increase immunity, give you spiritual strength, and inspire creativity.

You’ve probably noticed that music helps you cope with a bad mood and helps you relax after a long day. And this is not surprising at all: scientists have long proven that the power of music lies in the fact that it influences the psycho-emotional state of a person. It is able to have a positive, harmonic effect on you.


In the morning, it is better to listen to cheerful and rhythmic music. This will help you wake up and recharge your energy for the whole day. Also, cheerful and energetic music which affects the human psyche helps replace sadness with joy.

Calm, soothing music will help your children relax and calm down. It distracts you from everyday worries, reduces the number of thoughts in your head, and helps you self-regulate.

Slow and relaxing music affects a person like a sleeping pill. This is good to know if you suffer from insomnia and you do not know how to fall asleep quickly.

Therefore, music is not just a set of sounds. It affects us on a daily basis.

Excited to start your music journey? Look for the right tutor.