How Piano Is Good For Kids

How Piano Is Good For Kids

16 July

Learning to play the piano can positively affect the development of children in many ways, including influencing brain development and creative thinking, developing memory and creativity, and helping in self-expression.

This musical instrument allows you to simultaneously use both the right and left hand, therefore helping to fully develop both hemispheres of a child's brain. The skill of playing the piano gives children many advantages that will remain with them in the future.

Let's see exactly how it works:

  • Coordination

Playing the piano helps to develop hand-eye coordination, as the child has to read notes and move their fingers across the piano at the same time.

  • Mental and creative development

When children start playing the piano, different lobes of their brain are stimulated. Each hand has to play a different part of the music so the brain is forced to give them a separate set of commands.

  • Improving attention

After one note is played, it is necessary to immediately move on to the next. This task requires sustained concentration, improving critical and creative thinking.

  • Mental health

When children start learning music, rehearsals and performances help them express their emotions. Expressing emotions through a musical instrument will help to relieve stress.


If you are still in doubt about whether to give your child piano lessons or not, then we hope this article will help you make a decision. You can find the keyboard teachers here.