Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Interesting Facts.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Interesting Facts.

16 July

There is no doubt that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the greatest musicians who has ever lived. To this day, millions still listen to his work throughout the world.

Exciting facts about Mozart are of interest to many people because he was a world-class man.

We have prepared some incredible facts for you about this great musician.

  1. When Mozart was 5 years old, he composed small pieces of music that his father recorded in an album.
  2. By the age of 6, he could confidently play the harpsichord and had almost mastered the violin.
  3. As a child, he was afraid of the sound of wind instruments. This powerful sound caused him physical pain due to his hypersensitive hearing.
  4. In his youth, one of Mozart's musical mentors was Johann Bach, the son of the famous composer Johann Bach
  5. He had a perfect memory and could easily reproduce fragments of music he had heard even once from memory
  6. During his short life, Mozart managed to work in a variety of genres, from comedies to operas and tragedies. He is one of the few composers in history who has achieved success in all genres.
  7. In the last years of his life, Mozart was not popular, and was so poor that he constantly had to borrow money from friends for basic needs.
  8. The first biography of Wolfgang Mozart was written by his wife’s next husband, Georg Nikolaus von Nissen.
  9. Once, in Frankfurt, a young man ran up to Mozart and expressed delight at the composer's music. This young man was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
  10. In honor of Mozart’s 250th birthday in 2006, Google used a special logo on their website.
  11. Mozart's works encompass several hundred hours of music. In 1991, Philips Classic released a collection of 180 CDs including all of his music.


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